Knockinaam Lodge has Hygge
As I write, the rain is streaming down the windowpane and while I know the sea is only a short stroll from the Lodge it’s difficult to make it out across the thick banks of mist. I think, for now, remaining in-doors is the best place to be. At Knockinaam Lodge hotel that’s no hardship, and the tumultuous weather creates a dramatic backdrop contrasting with the warmth and tranquillity provided inside that seems to make the cocooned safety of the hotel feel even more inviting and cosy.
Feeling cosy and protected has its own special word in the Danish language and it is a word that means so much more in their culture. Hygge, pronounced “hoo-ga” is all about creating an environment that instils in us an emotion that’s essential to well-being. Hygge is about appreciating how nurturing an atmosphere of comfort can deliver a level of happiness that brings great peace of mind and calm.
In the UK we are often criticised for our poor work/life balance and our hurried attitude to the everyday, putting more and more pressure on ourselves to be always busy. Many cultures do not understand our need to be so harassed: “Oh, I am so busy and stressed, it’s like I am a hamster running on a wheel I can’t get off.” Have you ever said that or something similar? We seem to think success is never having time to take a breath and enjoy what’s around us and appreciate the simpler things in life.
In Denmark hygge is seen as an entire attitude to life which has mostly been borne out of a need to have more than just shelter against the Danish long winters and the generally mixed weather that we often live with in Scotland too. Shelter and warmth are basic needs; hygge takes it further. Time spent indoors is seen as a chance to create a level of comfort that exudes in us a feel-good factor, combined with spending time in good company: alone or with a group of friends and loved ones.
Winter Escape at Knockinaam Lodge Hotel
At Knockinaam Lodge the sense of ‘hygge’ is definitely a priority for those who work there. Sian Ibbotson, who owns Knockinaam Lodge with her husband David has put much love and attention into the design style and quality of furnishing that have both an aesthetic feel, also important for adding to the sense of hygge, and are very comfortable. Sian explains: “To accomplish hygge your surroundings are essential, including a sense of cosy spaces and the right atmospheric lighting. All this has been considered when we refurbished the hotel and as we add more touches all the time. It is about how the surroundings impact on the way our guests feel and our staff too, who can only add to the sense of hygge at Knockinaam if they feel it as well.”
The hotel has a sense of calm as soon as you walk into the wood panelled hallway that leads to reception. No matter if the sun is shining outside as you stroll towards the door or you are battered by the elements as you rush for cover, you will feel it straightway. Sian or one of the team will be there to welcome you and straight away you are transported into a world of hygge as you settle down to a welcome drink. Sian and David have a dedicated team who love delivering hygge since it adds to their own sense of happiness by making guests feel happy to be there. Attention to detail is so important at Knockinaam, even down to details such as the pleasure you get from handling the lovely crockery and touches such as having your morning cup of tea or coffee delivered to your room.
Each public area at Knockinaam, from the cosy lounge and bar with open fires to light in the wintertime to the intimate dining room give you a feeling of hygge. You could say Knockinaam Lodge is the ultimate example of hygge. Being relaxed, feeling cosy, enjoying the comforts of good food and partaking of a tipple of what you most enjoy combine to create the prefect condition for hygee to thrive and for you to leave all you stresses and worries behind.
Hygge is good for the soul, giving you a feeling of contentment. When you think about it hygge is so important and we should make a point of taking time to appreciate its restorative qualities. There is no better place to do that than Knockinaam Lodge.
Ah, the mist has lifted, and I can just about see some glimpse of sunlight glimmering through the clouds as they begin to clear. Time to get my wellies on and enjoy a brisk walk along the shore, knowing the fire will still be crackling in the grate when I return, and maybe a wee dram to warm me up. Find your hygge by booking a stay soon, just click HERE