In Wigtown, books are their passion and business
You’ll find 30 book related businesses in Wigtown and the sister villages of Bladnoch and Kirkinner. Whether you’re interested in Scottish and Irish writing or English literature; antiquarian and illustrated books; rare and unusual literature; first editions and collectables; special interest or children’s books, you’re sure to find something to tempt you in Wigtown.
The scenic journey to Wigtown is just what you need to unwind
Wigtown is also home to bookbinders and publishers, the largest traditional second hand bookshop in Scotland, the printer of the smallest books in the world and the world renowned Historic Newspapers. Find out what was making headlines on the day you were born.
From Spring to late Autumn there’s a busy festival programme culminating in the annual Literary Festival – a unique and very Scottish celebration of the written word. Previous invited guests include Melvyn Bragg, Kate Adie, Douglas Dunn, the Solway Poets, Alastair Reid, Mairi Hedderwick, Pauline Earles, Des Dillon and Colin Bell to name but a few. Meander along roads in the heart of the Galloway countryside, cast off the pressures of city life, slow down, relax and be reminded of what quality of life is really about